Friday, December 01, 2006

biz thougts and logic

BaoBao has a very interesting thoughts, thant is, we may find a suitable biz model that could charge to individuals in HR market. This is quite a sharp idea. At first thought, it is ridiculous crazy idea since consumers have already been used to free lunch for long since the 1st and 2nd tide of internet. Also, consumer may need to think where is the value come from. Actually, it may be good point. It depends on from which stand we take. I will still trust, with good value, or, as long as we provide real value, we could really charge.
The only thing is that: what value we provide.
We could figure out the background we are now in. Although it is blur at this moment, but truly there may lie chances.
1. there are huge gap between the providing and demanding in HR market. One aspect is that company continiously hunger for and hunting for talents to fill in the HR gap. Another aspect is that so many persons are as well eagerly hunting for positions and offers. What does that mean? Chances
2. company level usage. We heard so much complains that company HRs are just mad and blind. They never knows how to find the right persons. Why? for being lack of the right methods to tell the right persons? for the standard is just too complex and unreasonable? for the bosses are just too mad and silly? All are right and all are wrong. Actually, selection work is a subjective work, most of cases. So we need balance between subjective and objective matches. What does that mean? Chances
3. individuals. The company's hard situation, from another aspect, is the hard situation of individuals. But life should be in that way. How to help them? If we could find a way, we will have chances.
Above are all potentials, we still don't know exactly what we expect and could provide at this moment. But if we could find a way, it will be a big chance, and thus business.


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